(Transforms innovative idea into a successful business model)
Entrepreneurship Development Cell (EDC) is one of the special initiatives headed by Shri Sheelan Thangavelu, Joint Secretary, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering Technology, Coimbatore to create innovation-driven entrepreneurship culture among the students of various branches of SSIET.
The Entrepreneurship Development Cell, commonly known as E-Cell, has taken a greater responsibility to generate the entrepreneurship skills among students and help them to channelize their goals to become a versatile entrepreneur. It bridges the gap between ideas to new market products and transforms innovative ideas into a successful business models.
Our vision is to develop our E-Cell to be recognised as a top Entrepreneurship Development Cell which provides great platform for every engineering and technology students to shape their innovative idea into a successful business model that can be scalable and sustainable to make global impact.
Our mission is to develop a dynamic institutional mechanism to inspire and integrate engineering and technology innovations through entrepreneurial ecosystem to help the aspiring students to start and grow their own businesses.
- To create awareness about innovation-driven entrepreneurial eco-system in the institute where students will get motivated to start their own start-ups by organizing an induction programme on regular basis for 1st, 2nd and pre-final year students of all the branches.
- To organize Workshop / Seminar / Boot camp / Business Plan Competition/Hackathons on regular basis to channelize the knowledge and the energy of youth towards becoming active partners in the entrepreneurship development process.
- To organize motivational and inspirational talks by inviting successful Entrepreneurs/Industry Experts/ Alumni to the campus to develop entrepreneurial skills to meet the global challenges.
- To identify the innovative ideas of students and convert them into a new market product.
- To motivate and facilitate students to develop knowledge-based and innovation-driven start-ups and hand-holding until it becomes sustainable.
- To tie-up with technology institutes, industries, Government and Non-government organizations to arrange periodical interactions for mutual benefits.
The system for the working of E-Cell is followed with student coordinators of different departments, who take the initiative to spread awareness among the students by conducting the followings on a regular basis;
- Induction and Orientation programmes
- Workshops and Seminars,
- Boot camps and Business-plan competitions,
- Guest talks and Industrial visits
E-Cell strives to create a conducive environment for budding entrepreneurs wherein they interact with mentors, successful entrepreneurs, industry experts and alumni and fine-tune their ideas by participating in various programmes, competitions and hackathons etc., E-Cell is the team of passionate engineering students of various branches who are serious about entrepreneurship and want to create innovation-driven start-ups.
Name of Member |
Key Role/Position assigned in IIC |
Mr. SHEELAN THANGAVEL Joint Secretary, SSIET, Coimbatore |
Dr.S.P.SUBRAMANIYAN Deputy Controller of Patent Patent Office, Chennai |
IP Expert |
Mr.NRR. VIJAYKUMAR, Founder Passion, Coimbatore |
Expert from Ecosystem Enabler |
Mr. B.BALAJE SUNDER RAJ Managing Director, MACINCONS INDIA Pvt. Ltd., Chennai |
Industry Expert |
Mr. B.GOWTHAM Sanfin Toolings, Coimbatore |
Start-up / Alumni Entrepreneur |
Mr. A.VENKATESAN E-Cell, Manager, SSIET, CBE |
Convener |
Ms. THATCHAYANI Asst. Prof./ Biotech, SSIET, CBE |
Innovation activity Coordinator |
Mr. SAGAR A NALAWADE Asst. Prof./ Food Tech, SSIET, CBE |
Startup activity Coordinator |
Internship activity Coordinator |
IPR activity Coordinator |
Ms. N.SATHYA Asst. Prof./ IT, SSIET, CBE |
Social Media Coordinator |
Member |
Member |
Mr. N.VIGNESH KUMAR Asst. Prof./ Agri. Engg., SSIET, CBE |
Member |
Member |
OFFICE-BEARERS - Team of Passionate Individuals
who are serious about Entrepreneurship and want to create the start-up hub in this institute
- President : Gowthaman.R ( BIOTECH )
- Vice President : Sree Nithin ( Mech )
- Secretary : Ram Nivas ( IT)
- Joint Secretary : Venkatesh ( Mech )
- AGRI : Aarthi (9487588417)
- BIOTECH : Gowthaman (9994104941)
- CSE : Kiran karthi (9629402383)
- IT : Maheema (9487766198)
- FOOD TECH : Aakash (7397199903)
- MECH : M Karthi (9500857587)
- 20+ startups
- Best Innovation Award for a biomedical student project (Oxyserve- Air purifier) by Texas Instruments with 5 lakhs cash award and 20 lakhs as seed fund from DST and Startup Support at IIM Bangalore
- Nanochallenge 2019 award for a biotechnology student’ project (RIBOCODE) by NSTEDB, Govt. of India and Pricol held at PSG-STEP and Incubation space support at PSG-STEP laboratories for 3 months with a fund of Rs.25,000/-
- 7 students’ innovations have been selected for India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 - Quarterfinals Round
- 20 startup ideas are in progress
- Availability of Technology Incubation Facilities with Mentor Team
- 34 innovations have been filed for Patent by different departments
- 40+ collaborations for technology development, training and R&D activities
- Availability of IPR Cell
- Availability of IPR Panel and IPR Policy
Date |
Activities |
Details |
09.07.2018 |
Orientation Programme organized for the Final Year and Pre-Final Year Students. |
The programme was handled by by eCell Faculty Coordinators - Mr.R.Prakash AP/MECHand Mr. Bajaji AP/ECE eCell Faculty Coordinators interacted with students. faculty coordinators discussed the scope of the entrepreneurship, functions, student’s roles and responsibilities |
19.07.2018 |
Induction Programme for the Final Year and Pre-Final Year Students |
Mr. K. Annamalai, Founder – CEO, Signpro Technologies Pvt Ltd has been invited as Chief Guest and Resource Person for Startup Opportunities in Automation Sector 85 students from Final Year and Pre-Final Year Students were participated in the Induction Programme |
25.08.2018 |
Awareness Programme on Agriculture based Startups for the Final Year and Pre-Final Year Students. |
Mr. V. Ramamoorthy, Founder – Hydroponics Solutions Pollachi has been invited as Chief Guest and Resource Person for Startup Opportunities in Agriculture Sector and AgriTech Markets Successful models of low-cost hydroponics models exhibited in the programme. With a low investment “How to make better returns in Hydroponics?” has been discussed |
25.08.2018 |
Awareness Programme on Agriculture based Startups for the Final Year and Pre-Final Year Students |
The programme handeled by Mr. J.Thirumal, Managing Director, Lakshmi Industries Pvt. Ltd., Coimbatore |
06.09.2018 |
Incubation to Incorporation for the Final Year and Pre-Final Year Students |
The programme was handled by Mr.Kirubakaran & Mr.Mithun, Founders – Makka Café & GoSocio |
04.10.2018 |
Startup Awareness Programmes: |
Dr. JRD Rajendran has been invited as Chief Guest for Startup Awareness Programmes. He is a Successful realtors and known for models of low-cost individual and apartment housing projects. Dr JRD has been brought up from zero to success. He has attended the programme with their strategic team) |
04.10.2018 |
Leadership Programme organized for the Final Year and Pre-Final Year Students. |
by Mr. Karthik Ram, Yi-CII, Young Indians, Coimbatore |
05 & 06/01/2109 |
Velan Thiruvizha – Agri Starup Summit Jan 5-6, 2019 |
Among the 42 startups invited for agri startups, 14 startups responded. Most of the agri-startups from Maharastra and Karnataka have expressed that they have enrolled some other expo in their region |
08/01/2019 2.00 PM |
SIET hostedFace book Live session - INDIA FIRST Leadership Talk |
by Shri Anand Mahindra , Chairman, Mahindra Group organized by MHRD IIC |
10/01/2019 10:30 am to 12.30 PM |
A Workshop on IPR for students and Faculty Members |
IPR workshop was handled by Dr D.Balaji, Head – Centre for IPR KPRiET, organized by MHRD IIC |
10/01/2019 1:30 pm to 3:30 PM |
SIET hosted Face book Live session by Central Expert for Workshop on IPR for students and Faculty Members |
The session was handled by Ms. Shwetasree Majumder Principal, Fidus Law Chamber organized by MHRD IIC |
04 & 05/02/2019 |
Mentoring Programme |
Weekly 2 sessions mentoring programme organized. The mentoring sessions include generating Ideas, comparative growth between placement and entrepreneurship, scope for innovative startups have been discussed with brain storming sessions |
27/02/2019 |
Kalam Project Contest - Electronics Project Expo (36 Projects have been displayed the projects. Except 6 projects, all projects are associated and partnered with the concerned industries) |
Electronics Project Expo: 36 Projects have been displayed the projects. Except 6 projects, all projects are associated and partnered with the concerned industries which are to be owned to the companies where the students undergone project work |
27/08/2019. |
Seminar and Brainstorming session on Internet of Things (IOT) for Final and Pre-Final Year students |
The seminar and Brainstorming session was conductedin association with department of Mechanical Engineering |
10/09/2019 10.30 am to 12.30 noon |
Entrepreneurship Awareness Program |
The programme was conducted by handled by E-Cell Manager for First, Second and Third year students of all Engineering departments |
13/09/2019 |
Special Lecture on Industrial expectations and opportunities |
Mr.S.Radhakrishnan, Senior Advisor, Flow Controls, Coimbatore was the resource person and the programwasorganized inassociation with EEE Dept. |
19/09/2019 |
Consultation meeting held at CSIE IIT Madras |
To collaborate with CSIE IIT Madras - attended and presented about our E-Cell at the Consultation meeting held at CSIE IIT Madras along with our Secretary |
20/09/2019 9.30 am |
DEEP DIVETALK on Entrepreneurship Opportunities, Challenges & Investments by Mr. Nanu Swamy, Founder of Aurora Research Labs, Berkeley CA |
A team of E-Cell students attended the program held at Sona College of Technology, Salem and organized by PALS Champion-Madurai Cluster |
21/09/2019 9.30 am 1.00 pm |
IIT Madras Research Park Visit by final year students and faculty |
A team of E-Cell students and a Faculty visited IIT Madras Research Park , 1, Kanagam Road, Taramani, Chennai |
30/09/2019 |
Guest Lecture on Recent Trends and Expectations |
Mr.Maria Antony Juderej, Manager-Learning & Development, ELGI Equipments Limited, Coimbatore was the resource personand the programwasorganized inassociation with EEE Dept. |
01/10/2019 (2.00 to 3.30 pm) |
IIC Induction Programme for 1st and 2nd year students |
IIC Induction Programme for 1st and 2nd year students by E-Cell Manager |
01/10/2019 (3.30 pm 4.30 pm) |
EDC Introduction Session for 1st and 2nd year students. |
EDC Introduction Session by Mr. Ram Nivas, E-Cell, Student Secretary for 1st and 2nd year students. |
11/10/2019 (3.30 to 4.30 pm) |
Session on “Entrepreneurship Agenda set by Joint Secretary “ |
Session on “EntrepreneurshipAgenda set by Joint Secretary” was organized at Seminar Hall 1 for E-Cell students of 1st , 2nd and 3rd year |
15/10/2019 10.30 am to 12.30 noon |
Session on Intellectual Property Rights (Patent, Trademarks and Copyrights) |
Session on Intellectual Property Rights (Patent, Trademarks and Copyrights) was handled by E-Cell Manager for 1st year Bio Technology students. |
25/11/2019 to 27/11/2019 |
3-day Faculty Development Program (Train the Trainers program) |
3-day Faculty Development Program (Train the Trainers program) – “Building Social Entrepreneurship Capacity among Technology Graduates” was organized by CSIE, IIT Madras , was attended by our faculties (Prof. Dr.L.Karthik, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Biotechnology and Prof. G.Kumaran, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE) |
28/11/2019 |
The first council meeting of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), SIET, Coimbatore-62 |
The first council meeting of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), SIET, Coimbatore-62 was called by IIC President Mr. SHEELAN THANGAVEL to discuss upon the formulation and function of IIC & shared roles and responsbility among newly joined council members as per the guidelines of MHRD’s Innovation - Mr.Gowtham CEO, Safin Toolings, Coimbatore attended the meeting |
03/12/2019 |
Special Lecture on “Social Entrepreneurship among Technology Graduates” |
The lecture was handled by Prof. G.Kumaran, Asst. Professor, Dept. of ECE, SIET, CBE-62 for the department faculties. |
17/12/2019 10.30 am to 12.30 noon |
Orientation Programme for 2nd year students |
E-Cell Manager handled the session and students’ ambassadors were selected for their departments. |
20/12/2019 |
State Level TNSI 2019 Program -(Awareness programme, Ideation programme, Boot camps and Hackathon) |
A team of E-Cell students attended the State Level TNSI 2019 Program -(Awareness programme, Ideation programme, Boot camps and Hackathon) – held at ED Cell of Anna University Regional Campus Coimbatore |
04/01/2019 |
Students Projects Demo Day |
Students Projects Demo Day was organized during Velanthiruvizha, students presented their projects under following four themes namely; 1. UAV Technologies for development of agriculture 2. Preservation and value addition to fruits and vegetables, 3. Modern techniques in rain water harvesting for agriculture and 4. Automation in Agriculture. |
6th and 7th January 2020 |
2 days FDP - “IIC Innovation Ambassador Training Series” |
2 days FDP - “IIC Innovation Ambassador Training Series” Organized by Institution’s Innovation Council, MHRD's Innovation Cell on 6th and 7th JANUARY 2020 at Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore – Mr. A.VENKATESAN, E-Cell Manager - attended IPR & Technology Transfer and Prof. SAGAR A NALAWADE, Asst. Prof., Food Tech, attended Entrepreneurship Development Program Training Series. |
06-08, February 2020 |
Kaalam hackathon - Project Contest - Electronics Project Expo |
The event was organized by Department of Computer Science and Information Technology. |
9th & 10th January 2020 |
Internal Hackathon to select 7 teams (5 software & 2 hardware) to represent our team for Smart India Hackathon 2020 (SIH 2020) |
Internal Hackathon was conducted on 9th & 10th January 2020 at Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore-62 to select 7 teams (5 software & 2 hardware) to represent our institution to Smart India Hackathon 2020 (SIH 2020) organized by , MHRD's Innovation Cell, New Delhi |
23rd January 2020 |
The Second council meeting of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), SSIET, COIMBATORE-62 |
The Second council meeting of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), SRI SHAKTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, COIMBATORE-62 was called by IIC President Mr. SHEELAN THANGAVEL to discuss and to review the progress of the IIC. Mr. NRR.VIJAYKUMAR, Founder Passion, Coimbatore attended the meeting |
25th January 2020 |
IMTEX FORMING 2020 - International Machine Tool Expo - Visit by E-Cell Students |
A team of 7 E-Cell students visited the IMTEX FORMING 2020 – International Machine Tool Expo held at Bangalore International Exhibition Centre (BIEC) from 23 to 28 January 2020 and organized by Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) |
- Orocura Technologies Pvt Ltd , Bangalore – Development of OXYSERVE- Air Purification system - selected by Texas Instruments India and funded Rs. 25 lakhs by Department Of Science And Technology, New Delhi and incubated at IIM Bangalore - Priyanka. V, Menaka. S, Divani. R, Sejil.P, Kathiresan C final year students of Biomedical Engineering
- RIBOCODE , Coimbatore - Development of Development of RNA isolation KIT using Magnetic Nanoparticles – incubated at at PSG-STEP, PSG Tech. Coimbatore - supported by NSTEDB, Govt. of India and PRICOL, Coimbatore - Ms. S Y Aishwarya, 3rd year Biotechnology student
- BRINETECH, Coimbatore – Development of filter that segregate the salt content from the salt water – incubated at Dept. of Biotechnology, SSIET, Coimbatore - ELAVARASAN. V, ARTHI. S, JAYASRI. M, AMEENUR RASHID. N final year students of Biomedical Engineering.
- OXY-WATER PURIFIER SYSTEM, Coimbatore – Development of water purification with higher purification efficiency and combination of filter, sensor and embedded system this process ensures minerals would be rich in oxygen content- Ms.SUSANNA BENCY , Mr.ABHISHEK.A, Mr.ALFIN THOMAS, Mr.ARYA and Ms.POOJA final year students of Biomedical Engineering.
- Nutrient GREENS, Coimbatore - Growing the MIRCO GREENS at specialized containers to provide live plants (nutrient rich micro greens) without nutrient depletion to everyone – incubated at E-Cell, SSIET, Coimbatore - Gokulavanan N , Prasanth A, Vijay K R 3rd year Biotechnology
- M-STAPHA CREAM, Coimbatore - Development ofPolyherbal formulation cream against MRSA - for Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Treatment – incubated at Dept. of Biotechnology, SSIET, Coimbatore - Ms. S Janu Priya , Final Year Student, Biotechnology
- CYBELE NATURAL FACE CREAM, Coimbatore – Development of Pro-Biotic Face Cream with natural skin formula to treat skin problems such as acne, black spots, acne scars, pigmentation and dryness without any toxic effect on the skin - incubated at Dept. of Biotechnology, SSIET, Coimbatore - Ms. Bhavanisha Rithiga , First year Ms. Akksadha M , Final year Student, Biotechnology.
- PRO-BIOTIC- CHOCOLATE, Coimbatore – Development of probiotic-containing chocolate that has a live lactic acid- Chocolate is freely used by children and teenagers as food supplement with live probiotic cells that can enrich their diet bacterium in a stabilized state- incubated at Dept. of Biotechnology, SSIET, Coimbatore - Ms. Yaminy R.T , First Year student, Biotechnology.
- VEGAN CHEESE, Coimbatore – Development of non-dairy or plant cheese for people who want to avoid animal products and It is cholesterol-free- incubated at Dept. of Biotechnology, SSIET, Coimbatore - Ms. Abinaya . M, first year Biotechnology.
- EDIBLE CUTLERY, Coimbatore- Development of MILLET BASED EDIBLE CUTLERY - capable of containing hot and cold drinks without losing it structural hardness and without any liquid leaking out- incubated at Department of Food Technology, SSIET, Coimbatore- Pavish and Devanand 3rd year Food Technology
- FARM MACHINERIES AND ENGINEERING, Coimbatore - Design and development of PADDY COLLECTING AND BAGGING MACHINE using a single-phase 1000W heavy duty industrial vacuum motor. Paddy grains in heaped form or spread form can be collected in 65kg gunny bag. The equipment is portable – incubated at Department of Agriculture Engineering, SSIET, Coimbatore- Deenadayalan V, Ms. Abisha M V and Ms. Bavanya S Final Year Agriculture Engineering.
- PALM JAGGERY MAKING MACHINERIES - Design of SEMI-AUTOMATIC PALM JAGGERY MAKING MACHINE - useful for producing jaggery from sugarcane juice. Single phase electrical motor of 0.37 KW is used- incubated at Department of Agriculture Engineering, SSIET, Coimbatore - Mr.IsaiMaharajan P, Ms. K Kanmani, Mr. Y Balaji and Mr. Dinesh Kumar T final year Agriculture Engineering.
- SOLAR WATER BOTTLE - Design and fabrication of a bottle with compact size and producing hot water in the non polluting manner by using renewable resource (Solar energy)- incubated at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Nelson Muthuraj and Sathiyaseelan R final year EEE.
- TECH SHOWER - To reduce power consumption by stopping unnecessary wastage of water and conserve it for the coming generations- incubated at Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering - Ms.TEJASWINI P and Ms.KEERTHANA K, final year EEE.
- Sanfin Toolings, No 24/2 ,Maruthanaicken Thottam, Near Shanthi Gears Foundry Division, Coimbatore – 641402 - specialized on Cutting tools and Fixtures are customized based - Gowtham .B -2013 Passed out student of MECH
- Dheepasheela InfoTech Pvt. Ltd- 9/1, VKL, Nagar Extension, Thudiyalur, Coimbatore- 641 034 - Non-Govt. Company incorporated on 24/07/2013 with Registrar of Companies Office at RoC-Coimbatore India – Mithun, Gokul Ram and Thirumurugan -2013 Passed out students
- Data Crawl Global Services Pvt. Ltd, #37, Vivekananndha Nagar, Singanallur, Coimbatore – 641 005 - a Software based Technology Company operating on two verticals; Web products and Web Services - Fazulul Rahman N 2015 Passed out student of CSE
- Garden Of Taste,No337, Katoor Road, PN Palayam , Coimbatore – 6410037, Online Food Delivery Company - Praveen V.S 2015 Passed out student of ECE
- Sree Kariya Kaaliamman Agency, No.176/1, New Extention Street, West Palladam, Palladam-641 554, Tirupur Dt- Authorized Distributor for Home Appliances of Vidiem Products - P.Gokul 2016 Passed out student of ECE
- Clap Out Media, 5/16 E, Santhana Lakshmi Nagar, Chinthamani Pudur, Coimbatore-641 103 - Mass Media Advertisement Company - Amar Keerthi, 2017 Passed out student of Civil Engg.
- Dreamcil - 1\149 Ganesh Complex, Avinashi Road, Neelambur, Coimbatore - Eco Pencil Manufacturer - Sathish Kumar.N & Mohan Raj.G 2017 & 2018 passed out students of IT Dept.
PARTNERSHIPS/ LINKAGES for Innovations, Entrepreneurial and startup activities

MHRD IIC has recognized as a Member of Institutional Innovation Cell.

EDII, Gov. of Tamilnadu has recognized as a Member Institute for Entrepreneurship Programme

Amrita TBI - MoU has been signed to create Start-up ecosystem

EDI, Anna University Regional Campus, Coimbatore

NEN – MoU has been signed for Joint Entrepreneurship Development Programme