From the Principal

SRI SHAKTHI INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY is committed to developing Learners' minds through a wide range of innovative learning opportunities that prepare them for their professional journeys. Striving with a futuristic outlook, SIET aims at fostering the unending pool of talent that every student possesses.
We seek to mould the curious student community mind with Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving Abilities, Leadership Qualities along with ethical responsibility that will create change makers and future leaders.
We at SIET firmly believe in Outcome Oriented, Student-Centric Teaching Learning Processes that will inculcate the required Industry Demanding Skills and Abilities. We mainly aim at instilling advanced engineering skills and cutting-edge technologies for transforming engineering practices and contributing to more efficient, sustainable, and innovative solutions across various industries.
I look forward to working together with the SIET family jointly with our Alumni and Industry Partners to cultivate vibrant and inclusive academic and Research experiences.
I invite all stakeholders to join us in shaping a brighter future together.
“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.” - Henry Wadsworth
As Henry Wadsworth said, My Primary motto and Objective is to encourage all my Learners Community to put their tremendous efforts with Commitment and Dedication to succeed and attain great heights.
With all good wishes
Dr. N. K. Sakthivel , M.Tech, Ph.D.
Principal, SIET